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porijeklo prezimena


"Najstariji zavičaj Jagodića je, verovatno, bio u Polimlju. Ali, kako ni jagoda nije samonikla, ni njihova porodica nije nastala tek usatljivanjem sadašnjeg prezimena. Ali to bi mogao biti roman, Povest o Jagodićima."

R. D. Rakić & V. Stanisavljević - Koreni



Dobro došli na web sajt porodice Jagodić

Svi nosioci našeg prezimena su dobro došli da podele svoja predanja i izvore


Welcome to the Jagodić family website

All bearers of this surname are welcome to share their lore with us


Hvala - Danke - Thank you


about us

Born and raised abroad, my heritage has always been a significant aspect of my life. This interest was particularly ignited during my childhood summers, which I spent in the mountain village of my grandparents at the foot of the Eastern Dinaric Alps.

Every time I arrived there, it felt like stepping into a time capsule, as if I were traveling back to a past century. The untouched nature and traditional way of life have always fascinated me. But what had the most profound impact on me was my grandfather, whose stories of times long gone deeply moved me.

His most valuable legacy to me was a small wooden chest, discovered after his passing in his abandoned house. This chest contained numerous clues about the origins of our family, the Jagodićs, which I was determined to uncover. This is how my genealogical journey began, eventually leading to the creation of the project

Boris Jagodić
Creative Director and Author


Our team

Dajana Jagodić
Graphic Design

Dragica Jagodić

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