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Da li ste znali? Porijeklo dalmatinskih prezimena

Autorenbild: borisjagodicborisjagodic

Dalmatinska prezimena Ajder, Tica, Trtić, kao i Karmelić, Raić, itd. potiču od Jagodića.

Profesor Andre Jutronić 1948. g. u svome delu "Podrijetlo stanovništva Brača" pominje pored ostalih porodica i Jagodiće. Tamo ih je pronašao u ispravama 16. veka na Braču:

"Prezimena pučana, koji su primili sol na Bolu 26. siječnja 1574: Marinović, Čubretić, Vuković, Zaneto da Venetia, Morgitić, Jagodić, itd....ukupno 265 popisanih."

Zapisi u matičnim knjigama svedoče, da su se tamo i kasnije zadržali. Posle 1694. godine, Bračani uz prezime upisani su nadimkom:

  • Jagodić-Karmelić

  • Jagodić-Raić

  • Jagodić-Pirka/Pirčić

  • Jagodić-Pikolo

  • Karmelić-Hajduk

  • Karmelić-Barbošić, itd.

Nadimci vremenom postaju prezimena.

Petar Rađenović u svome delu "Unac" piše:

"Od njih potiču porodice Ajder, Trtić, Salić, Barišić, Jolinović, Đukić, Tica i Milinčić. Godine 1940 bilo ih je ujedno 70 kuća u Preocu i Tičevu. Svi slave Sv. Nikolu. Po kazivanjima starih su najpre došli iz okoline Travnika, dok su se drugi naselili sa Drine."


Did you know...? Dalmatian surnames such as Ajder, Tica, Salić, Trtić, as well as Karmelić and Raić, etc. descend from the Jagodić family. Professor Andre Jutronić mentions them in his book "Origin of the Population of the Island of Brač" under the following quote: "on January 26, 1574, the following families took a delivery of salt; Čubretić, Vuković, Morgitić, Floria, Jagodić (!), Bivadović.... etc,". Land register entries testify to the fact that they settled there in the long term. After 1694, their names were registered with their "nicknames" or alias - a sign that they were numerous on the island. Example: - Jagodić-Karmelić - Jagodić-Raić - Jagodić-Pirka/Pirčić. - Jagodić-Pikolo - Karmelić-Hajduk - Karmelić-Barbošić - ect. The nicknames became official surnames. ->See heatmap: Distribution of the surname Karmelić and Raić in Croatia. Petar Rađenović writes the following in his work "Unac": From them descend the families Ajder, Trtić Salić, Barišić, Jolinović, Đukić, Tica and Milinčić. In 1940, they lived in 70 households in the villages of Preodac and Tičevo in present-day Bosnia. They all have in common the patron saint of the family, St. Nicholas. According to the traditions of the elders, they came from Travnik, others came directly from the headwaters of the Drina River. #jagodic #jagodić #jagodič #jagodics #karmelic #karmelić #karmelich #brač #dalmacija


about us

Born and raised abroad, my heritage has always been a significant aspect of my life. This interest was particularly ignited during my childhood summers, which I spent in the mountain village of my grandparents at the foot of the Eastern Dinaric Alps.

Every time I arrived there, it felt like stepping into a time capsule, as if I were traveling back to a past century. The untouched nature and traditional way of life have always fascinated me. But what had the most profound impact on me was my grandfather, whose stories of times long gone deeply moved me.

His most valuable legacy to me was a small wooden chest, discovered after his passing in his abandoned house. This chest contained numerous clues about the origins of our family, the Jagodićs, which I was determined to uncover. This is how my genealogical journey began, eventually leading to the creation of the project

Boris Jagodić
Creative Director and Author


Our team

Dajana Jagodić
Graphic Design

Dragica Jagodić

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