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Királyi Könyvek - 70.464.JPG
Királyi Könyvek - 70.464, 2.JPG

Jagodići se prvi put pominju u pisanim izvorima 1429 godine, koji se nalaze u mletačkim arhivima Dubrovnika, nekadašnjeg grada Ragusa. U tim izvorima, nosioci ovog prezimena uspešno trguju u gradovima od Jadranskog mora do Beograda, prateči stari drum preko Foče i Prijepolja.

Kasnije od 1645. ulaze u fokus Habzburške istoriografije, gdje će im biti podeljeno plemstvo 1714 godine. Za vrijeme Velike seobe 1690. ovo prezime, u više talasa, malo po malo se širi u teritoriji vojne granice, koja se nalazila na prostoru današnje Hrvatske, Mađarske i Srbije.

U narednim objavama prikazaćemo literaturu i izvore iz raznih vekova.


The first known written mention of the family name Jagodić is dated 1429. The historical court documents of the Venetian city of Ragusa are located in today's Dubrovnik. The Jagodić merchant family operates in the Middle Ages on a wide network from the Adriatic coast through uninhabited hinterland around Prijepolje to Belgrade. After 1645, the family fell into the focus of the Habsburg monarchy, where they were granted the title of nobility in 1714. In the period of the great Exodus from 1690 onwards, the name spreads along the Habsburg military border, which covered territories of the present-day states of Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

In the following articles literature and sources from different centuries are presented.


Die erste bekannte schriftliche Erwähnung des Familiennames Jagodić wird auf das Jahr 1429 datiert. Die historischen Gerichtsdokumente der venezianischen Stadt Ragusa befinden sich im heutigen Dubrovnik. Die Händlerfamilie agiert im Mittelalter auf einem breiten Netz von der Adriaküste über unbewohntes Hinterland um Prijepolje bis nach Belgrad. Nach 1645 fällt die Familie in den Fokus der Habsburgmonarchie, wo ihnen 1714 der Adelstitel verliehen wird. In der Zeit des grossen Exodus ab 1690 verbreitet sich der Name entlang der Habsburgischen Militärgrenze, welche sich auf Gebieten der heutigen Staaten Serbien, Kroatien, Ungarn, Slowenien und Bosnien-Herzegowina erstreckte.

In den folgenden Beiträgen werden Literatur und Quellen aus verschiedenen Jahrhunderten vorgestellt.

about us

Born and raised abroad, my heritage has always been a significant aspect of my life. This interest was particularly ignited during my childhood summers, which I spent in the mountain village of my grandparents at the foot of the Eastern Dinaric Alps.

Every time I arrived there, it felt like stepping into a time capsule, as if I were traveling back to a past century. The untouched nature and traditional way of life have always fascinated me. But what had the most profound impact on me was my grandfather, whose stories of times long gone deeply moved me.

His most valuable legacy to me was a small wooden chest, discovered after his passing in his abandoned house. This chest contained numerous clues about the origins of our family, the Jagodićs, which I was determined to uncover. This is how my genealogical journey began, eventually leading to the creation of the project

Boris Jagodić
Creative Director and Author


Our team

Dajana Jagodić
Graphic Design

Dragica Jagodić

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